Ahh cliche aside, this is the first post for this new blog. I tried to use my last blog as a learning project for learning Angular, but then I’ve decided that it atm diverge away too much from my career path, so I drop it and opt for a simpler Hugo based static site instead.
I hope that with this new blog, I will have more time writing content since I don’t have to suffer with all the WYSIWYG editor stuff in javascript/typescript anymore. I will update this blog with both personal and career related posts!
KubeCon 2020 is weirdly fit my timetable since it’s in NA, which I can give it full attention rather than working day job and watching at the same time. I also streamed the first 2 days of some session on my Twitch.
In this KubeCon, it’s amazing to learn about all CNCF 🎓 graduated products. Because I moved away from infrastructure, I was quite out of touch with all the tooling. Seeing there is now almost a solution for any problem make me really want to have a project that at a decent scale to be able to leverage all those tooling.
The are some amazing demo with Kubeflow and Kale to create workflow for ML projects, run evaluation, hyperparameter tuning and deployment in 1 click. There is also many talk about security or tooling selection that was very eye opening. In the keynote there is also a talk about running a massive 15 000 nodes K8s cluster (yep you are right, 15 thousands) and scalability problem.
If you have the chance, I highly recommend you to at least watch the keynote!